This is just a random post to showcase how to find all the properties of a (face) appearance. I created the rule to help someone on the Autodesk "Inventor Programming Forum". Someone else (or me) might find it useful in the future.

Sub main()

    Dim doc As PartDocument = ThisDoc.Document

    For Each asset As Asset In doc.Assets

        LogAssetValues(asset.Cast(Of AssetValue))

End Sub

Public ReadOnly Property TexturePath As String
        Return ThisApplication.FileOptions.TexturePath
    End Get
End Property

Private Sub LogAssetValues(assetValues As IEnumerable(Of AssetValue), Optional preText As String = "")

    For Each assetValue As AssetValue In assetValues

        Select Case assetValue.ValueType
            Case AssetValueTypeEnum.kAssetValueTypeString
                PrintAssetValueDefault("String      : ", preText, assetValue)

            Case AssetValueTypeEnum.kAssetValueTypeBoolean
                PrintAssetValueDefault("Boolean     : ", preText, assetValue)

            Case AssetValueTypeEnum.kAssetValueTypeInteger
                PrintAssetValueDefault("Integer     : ", preText, assetValue)

            Case AssetValueTypeEnum.kAssetValueTypeFloat
                PrintAssetValueDefault("Float       : ", preText, assetValue)
                'logger.Info(preText + assetValue.DisplayName + ": " + assetValue.Value.ToString())

            Case AssetValueTypeEnum.kAssetValueTypeFilename
                Dim a As FilenameAssetValue = assetValue
                If (a.HasMultipleValues) Then
                    logger.Info("Filename    : " + preText + a.DisplayName + " (" + a.Name + ") has values: ")
                    For Each val As String In a.Values
                        logger.Info("            : " + preText + " - " + TexturePath + val)
                    logger.Info("Filename    : " + preText + a.DisplayName + " (" + a.Name + ") has value: " + TexturePath + a.Value)
                End If

            Case AssetValueTypeEnum.kAssetValueTypeColor
                Dim a As ColorAssetValue = assetValue

                If (a.HasMultipleValues) Then
                    logger.Info("Color       : " + preText + a.DisplayName + " (" + a.Name + ") has values: -----------------------------------------------")
                    For Each color As Color In a.Values
                        Dim colorString = String.Format("Red:{0}, Green:{1}, Blue:{2}, Opacity:{3}",
                                                color.Red, color.Green, color.Blue, color.Opacity)

                        If (a.HasConnectedTexture) Then
                            logger.Info(preText + "  - " + a.DisplayName + ": " + colorString + "   (Has connected texture:)")
                            Dim textureAsset As AssetTexture = a.ConnectedTexture
                            LogAssetValues(textureAsset.Cast(Of AssetValue), "      " + preText)
                            logger.Info("Color       : " + preText + a.DisplayName + " (" + a.Name + "): " + colorString + "   (NONE connected texture)")
                        End If
                    Dim color = a.Value
                    Dim colorString = String.Format("Red:{0}, Green:{1}, Blue:{2}, Opacity:{3}",
                                                color.Red, color.Green, color.Blue, color.Opacity)

                    If (a.HasConnectedTexture) Then
                        logger.Info("Color       : " + preText + a.DisplayName + " (" + a.Name + "): " + colorString + "   Has connected texture:")
                        Dim textureAsset As AssetTexture = a.ConnectedTexture
                        LogAssetValues(textureAsset.Cast(Of AssetValue), "      " + preText)
                        logger.Info("Color       : " + preText + a.DisplayName + " (" + a.Name + "): " + colorString + "   (NONE connected texture)")
                    End If
                End If

            Case AssetValueTypeEnum.kAssetValueTypeChoice
                Dim a As ChoiceAssetValue = assetValue

                Dim names As String() = {}
                Dim choises As String() = {}

                a.GetChoices(names, choises)
                Dim allChoises = String.Join("//", choises)

                logger.Info("Choice      : " + preText + a.DisplayName + " (" + a.Name + ") has value: " + a.Value + "(" + allChoises + ")")

            Case AssetValueTypeEnum.kAssetValueTextureType
                Dim a As TextureAssetValue = assetValue

                Dim texture As AssetTexture = a.Value

                logger.Info("Texture     : " + preText + a.DisplayName + " (" + a.Name + ")")
                LogAssetValues(texture.Cast(Of AssetValue), "      " + preText)

            Case AssetValueTypeEnum.kAssetValueTypeReference
                Dim a As ReferenceAssetValue = assetValue

                logger.Info("Reference   : " + preText + a.DisplayName + " (" + a.Name + "). The Value properies seem bugged")

                If (Not a.Value Is Nothing) Then
                    LogAssetValues(a.Value.Cast(Of AssetValue), "      " + preText)
                End If

                'Dim values As List(Of Asset) = New List(Of Asset)

                'If (a.HasMultipleValues) Then
                '    'Dim t As Object = a.Values
                '    'values = a.Values.AsEnumerable()
                '    'For Each asset As Asset In a.Values
                '    '    values.Add(asset)
                '    'Next


                'End If

            Case Else

                logger.Info("----------> " + assetValue.DisplayName + ": " + CType(assetValue.Type, ObjectTypeEnum).ToString())
        End Select


End Sub

Private Sub PrintAssetValueDefault(type As String, preText As String, assetValue As AssetValue)
    Dim template = type + preText + "{0} ({1}): {2}"

    logger.Info(String.Format(template, assetValue.DisplayName, assetValue.Name, assetValue.Value.ToString()))
End Sub


Autodesk Inventor, Vault, Git, C#, vb, .net, php HTML, css, js


University computer science.
HBO Mechanical engineer.
MBO Fine mechanics.


Programmer and Mechanical engineer at Kelvion
(2016 - 20..)

Mechanical engineer at Strukton
(2009 - 2016)

Mechanical engineer at RDG-engineering
(2007 - 2009)

CNC Programmer at VMC
(2005 - 2007)

volunteer at Taizé


Objectgeoriënteerd analyseren en ontwerpen, Objectgeoriënteerd programmeren in Java, Webapplicaties: de clientkant, Databases, Security Aware Programmer, Web Security Specialist