This is just a random post to showcase how to find all the properties of a (face) appearance. I created the rule to help someone on the Autodesk "Inventor Programming Forum". Someone else (or me) might find it useful in the future.
A user on the forum posted the code below. He uses it to clean up his drawing resources. He wrote, "It appears to work nicely but I'd be grateful if someone with actual coding knowledge could cast an eye over it". I pretend to have some knowledge. And I started commenting on his code. In the end, I realised, it could benefit everyone.
In some situations, you might want information from the user but a complete form is too much. In that case, you might want to look at the mini toolbar. Here you will find an example code.
Sinds Inventor 2023 we have the new mark-feature. This is a cool feature with lots of possible use cases. But I expect that many users want to use it for laser etching some number on a sheet metal part. For example to etch the part number. Now if you want to do that on all your parts then you're in for a lot of work. Just this week there was a question on the forum. If it would be possible to automate the process. (Link)
Just a random post about an object-oriented way of exporting flat patterns to dxf. if you want to use the code you only need to change the stuff in the main-sub. All other stuff is just there to help you (and not to be touched).
On my job, I came across a VBa program that consisted of 2 parts. The second part would add dimensions to your drawing. The first part would let you select faces/edges and add properties to it. Pairs of faces/edges are used to create dimensions on a drawing. Those properties included things like the position of the dimension text and to which view the dimension belongs.
Just as the title indicates, there is a way to 'sort of' change the functionality of an InputListBox, so that you can select multiple items at once. No more having to use a regular InputListBox within a loop, and only being able to select a single item each time until you escape the loop.
I have been migrating from Inventor 2021 to 2023. Therefore I have been playing around with model states for the last few weeks. I found 3 features (??) that can lead to unexpected results that I wanted to share.
"The transaction functionality is the means by which Inventor keeps track of the timeline of changes made during the course of an Inventor session. Transactions allow the user to perform Undo and Redo operations in Inventor." (Autodesk Inventor help) It's possible to create your own transaction. With those transactions, we can write more robust (and faster) rules.
Just the other day someone on the "Inventor iLogic and Forum" asked if it's possible to stop a long-running iLogic rule. I guess, in some cases, you want to allow your users to stop an iLogic rule. Out of the box, this is not possible, but there are some functions in the Inventor API that make it possible.
While selecting dimensions is possible with the easy to use command "ThisApplication.CommandManager.Pick(Filter As SelectionFilterEnum, PromptText As String)" it's impossible to distinguish between the dimension line and extension lines. That is precisely what was asked for in this post.
Autodesk Inventor, Vault, Git, C#, vb, .net, php HTML, css, js
University computer science.
HBO Mechanical engineer.
MBO Fine mechanics.
Programmer and
Mechanical engineer
at Kelvion
(2016 - 20..)
Mechanical engineer
at Strukton
(2009 - 2016)
Mechanical engineer
at RDG-engineering
(2007 - 2009)
CNC Programmer
at VMC
(2005 - 2007)
at Taizé
Objectgeoriënteerd analyseren en ontwerpen, Objectgeoriënteerd programmeren in Java, Webapplicaties: de clientkant, Databases, Security Aware Programmer, Web Security Specialist