In some situations, you might want information from the user but a complete form is too much. In that case, you might want to look at the mini toolbar. Here you will find an example code.
Public Class ThisRule
Sub Main()
Dim miniToolBar As New MiniToolbarWrapper(ThisApplication)
End Sub
End Class
Public Class MiniToolbarWrapper
Private _interactEvents As InteractionEvents
Private _stillSelecting As Boolean
Private _inventor As Inventor.Application
Private _toolBar As MiniToolbar
Private _valueEditor As MiniToolbarValueEditor
Public Sub New(ThisApplication As Inventor.Application)
_inventor = ThisApplication
End Sub
Public Sub Pick()
_stillSelecting = True
_interactEvents = _inventor.CommandManager.CreateInteractionEvents
_interactEvents.InteractionDisabled = False
_toolBar = _interactEvents.CreateMiniToolbar()
AddHandler _toolBar.OnOK, AddressOf OkPressed
_toolBar.Controls.AddLabel("MyLabel1", "Edit value", "")
_valueEditor = _toolBar.Controls.AddValueEditor("MyValueControl", "", ValueUnitsTypeEnum.kLengthUnits, "123")
Dim button = _toolBar.Controls.AddButton("MyButton1", "This button does nothing", "")
_toolBar.ShowApply = False
_toolBar.ShowOptionBox = False
_toolBar.Visible = True
Do While _stillSelecting
End Sub
Private Sub OkPressed()
MsgBox(String.Format("value={0} - Expresion={1}", _valueEditor.Value, _valueEditor.Expression))
_stillSelecting = False
End Sub
End Class